Monday, October 31, 2005



There are two blogs that I want to create, my quotes and my favorite quotes.

This is my favorite quote:

An Earlier View

We did not think of the Great Open Plains, the rolling hills and the winding streams with tangled growth, as ‘Wild.’ Only to the white man was nature a ‘Wilderness’ and only to him was the land ‘Infested’ with ‘Wild’ animals and ‘Savage’ people. To us it was tame. Earth was bountiful and we were surrounded with the Blessings of the Great Mystery. – Chief Standing Bear of the Lakota

This quote is mounted on a plaque at a scenic site of natural history preserved in Pennsylvania.



I received a surprise call to work this day. I was requested to make a delivery into New Jersey that would mean that I might lose signal to my favorite radio stations. While searching around for a new radio station I found a New York station that I found positive and empowering. Star 99.1 FM, upbeat music of praise and truth.

Star lighting the airwaves to share the truth to be heard and witnessed by All, one station for GOD among many stations that bring forth the Truth and Love that teach us to know GOD.



Peter Fitzgerald indicts Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby with five indictments. This could be the end for an evil regime and empire once again; the way to make peace is to set the captives free.

The fact that Iran is provoking Israel and of course Israel is playing the Anti Semite card a ploy well used by people seeking to control the masses. By claiming anti Semitism or by claiming a lack of tolerance people who are in the minority have established a way to control the majority. This opens the door for all kinds of atrocities to be permitted by the victims. This allows the pornography industry to be present because they depict a lifestyle counter to the main culture.

One way to allow these people such control is to allow them to establish a head seat in the corporate community especially in the journalistic and information realm. One area that was most sought after was in the religious realm, if the Homosexuals could control the theology they could control the world. Exposing the truth of the agenda of those that wish to promote the homosexual lifestyle for what ever reason, be it same sex partnerships or multiple partners to swing with everyone all in the same boat, or to control population growth from within any given community. The two main players in the Homosexual propaganda are the cultures of the (Roman, Greek, Italians) and the (Hebrews or Jewish descendants.)

Where Am I

Where Am I?

Originally written 10-26-05

Lost from cyber space, I have to wait, until this crazy mistake gets resolved. Somebody leaving one house to rent anther had a misunderstanding with the ISP. While she is disconnected to her dismay, I can get in a post to my journal today. So maybe if anyone is looking for me, I’m here, but unfortunately I won’t waste my minutes to be there (Sorry everyone.) I’ll be there soon as I get service back. Tomorrow should be a very interesting day, to say the least. In more ways than one, things are set to change.

What I heard today about the Middle East really bothers me. In one way it is apparent that Israel is not the center of the world, for our efforts the center of the world is now Iraq. Removing Saddam has destabilized the Middle East that is apparent, Saddam had to act like a crazy man even killing his own son to create the illusion of toughness and madness so that everyone would be concerned about who would do what to whom, when and where. How a crazy man could be the center to peace in the Middle East, it is written in the religious books of days gone by. The only way to establish a dictatorship is to have a crazy mind. Remind you of our leaders in the USA?

If only I could get a message to NPR…

I’d tell them that Morning Eddition made a false claim that attending Church would give you a 9.1% increase to your bottom line. With a great Amen, the hosts did mislead. Attending Church is a great place to contract a virus and the first place to avoid at the onset of a pandemic. The most important thing is that the Church of today is not the Church of tomorrow. Tomorrow’s Church is the Universe; you are here every moment of your life.

Those people that do not attend Church are doing quite well in matters of morals and wealth; since all things are not equal the poor giving 10% would be stripped of greater value than the wealthy. The money of the Church could be put to better use for our global society of today. While so many great preachers exist, the Church has become the bully pulpit of the rich. So many texts, and divisions; that have led good people astray, and are used in wicked ways. The Bible: a book to know death, to teach suicide, to blame the victim, passing judgment and guilt, upon the innocent.

On Radio Times, I loved her first show missed most of the second and no way of knowing what was discussed with the connection lost. I would like to hear more about Senator Obama…

What really got my goat, and made me want to call in, was when the description of the Secretary for the steel company had stolen from the corporation and only had to repay only a percentage of what stolen. Who says crime doesn’t pay? It is all a matter of who you know business as usual. As for Rick Mariano, there is no surprise to his crime, and to whom would it surprise if another crime was discovered? Tax evasion bribery, subverting our cities; corruption is so transparent.

1st Timothy 6:10 The love of money is the root of all evil.

As for me, Money is to be a reward for the hard work and diligence put forth.

Hear and Now, made me cry when I heard about the Mother and her group quilting for all who have died.

Peter Fitzgerald better have those indictments ready to prosecute I’s dotted and T’s crossed. President Bush, and the whole Cabal. The Junta and Cronyism must end. The world sees with eyes wide open and hears with discerning ears. The lies for war are not the way to peace; torture will not be tolerated anymore. We need peace and accountability.

My vision is new, the old ways are through, the stale mate we created has brought us to the end of barbaric practices, we are entering a new day and a new way to do business, here and abroad.

Terri Gross on Fresh air seemed to be pushing the marijuana scene, the gateway drug, another smoke filled lung. Poisons and Pollutants, that will contaminate, and manipulate the mind and body.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Today on C-Span

Eli Lake of the New Yourk Sun
National Security Correspondent

He covers up the Lies of the Bush Administration, I would like to know who taught this man to think objectively and how did Eli Lake become so blinded to the real truth. Listening to C-Span this morning and all I want to do is Puke, I’m glad that April Ryan is addressing the classified leak challenge to Eli.

We don’t know is the foundation for Eli Lake, but what is important is what we do know. Eli Lake wants to control the conversation and hypothetical fabrication the exact situation that is wrong with America.

Eli Lake, when you learn about justice in America, and how our government is to run, as taught by our Civics teachers, I want you to follow This Story and after reading this story tell me how it represents the proper working of the justice system in America.

You have to follow the first lie and see all of the other lies exposed. Bush lied to get the United States into war and that is criminal from that lie the blood of the lives of many are on the hands of anyone and everyone that promotes war for peace.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Now we are getting somewhere.

This morning my wife came down to tell me about the need to change phone service and other items into my name.

She told me she found a three bedroom house with a fireplace where she plans to move.
(She knows nothing of how to work a fireplace but plans on using it to save money on heating bills.)

She claimed that she has no intention of filing for divorce.

She told me that she has plans of changing the children into a new school district.

She claims that I told the children that I wanted her to worship me, and that is her source for knowing what I want from her.

She is happy with her decisions.


Friday, October 21, 2005

What a day, tired and emotionally drained

Yesterday was an extra long day, and getting home from work late, I entered into a house that was a viper's nest.

The woman that deceived me has now taken to declaring her love for me once again. But this time she is learning to be honest, she told me she loved me and that she couldn't stand me. Is that like going to church to have your membership revoked and having someone sabatoge your motorcycle? Christian Love?

I let her know that if she was so inclined to put our lives in crisis because she didn't love me that she could leave. Our seperation is what she wants after all, she just didn't know how to tell me.

She wanted me to become her slave, she wanted me to accept to be less than equal to her in our marriage. I'm a man, I am different and equal. I seek to be a partner, not a slave.

She needs to order and demand of people, while I seek to teach and set people free.

She is free to leave, one day she might realize the kind of person that I really am, and for someone, may I be the person I see myself as. I take no prisoners, I want no captives. What I seek is people that wish to seek each other in Love and Partnership.

Masters control and manipulate, while people that are free must be free in order to give and receive.

Love transforms and knows no other way.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

What a long day

Many Thoughts have passed my way,

A new blog called memoirs.

I can put in my earliest memories, Child hood, many events, and pets, School (getting punched in 6th and 11th grades, getting punished for being the victim of being punched.)

What is it about a PHD that allows others to look up to these people with such degrees, as though a PHD makes a person superior. This scholastic honor given to those with the ability to acquire a degree, does not make them more intelligent than those people that could not obtain a degree. Just because opportunity has come to some, does not give them the right to lord over others who are just as smart or even smarter. We have with us, those with the common sense to work for humanity and not try to steal, or get over on others by touting a piece of paper that places people on different social rungs. It is the disparity where nurses look up to doctors, and they both look down on the rest of society. Why middle command in the military, or other structures with similar chains of command, look up to a leader and down to the people working on the front lines. The key is to develope respect for your workers and to make them partners in your organization. Some people want to be rulers or slave drivers and they will do anything to run the house, their business or their country, including lying and subverting good people into outlets of negativity and anger, by either believing in the lies, or trying to expose the fact that the liar had lied.

Negative forces, A lie is the most destructive negative force because it causes a cascade of negative events and emotions.

Positive people want to bring about a sincere honesty and transparency to prevent others from having to go through the pain and torture of a lie. People exposing a lie often use negative speech in truth. How else can one expose a liar?

Defamation, Libel, Slander are all offenses when a lie is told. A person that is telling the truth is not guilty of Defamation, Libel or Slander.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

So much done, How much more do I have?

Well yesterday was a busy day for my posting and blogging.

This morning it was a matter of letting others know of my progress.

It is time to come alive,

Have a great day,

And ask questions, or make comments, it allows me to know that I am understood.

Peace, is the only way.

GOD Bless,



Saturday, October 15, 2005

Science vs Creationi

Science vs. Creationism

The issue is as old as the universe, we might be able to only see things from our limited perspective but that doesn’t mean that there is nothing beyond what we see.

We need to embrace the idea that anything that is infinite can not be created, but inside of this infinite universe everything has been created. It is the origin of this creation that we need to examine our old thoughts to know that what we thought we knew was wrong.

The only point on an infinite line is the center point, or the central position because what goes on for ever in any direction has no beginning.

If a scientist can create life in a Petri dish, this life can not be transformed into an insect and then into a mammal. We know that life was created at different times, what we fail to know is that life could have been created at different points of origin. All around the earth when the conditions are right, then life can begin in many places not at one single beginning, or origin.

Creation and Evolution combined in one like minded agenda, to move forward in the concept of the Evolution of Religion.

Living with a spouse I can not look at.

Living with a spouse I can not look at

How did things get so bad, what is the negative force that drives deceit? Why do people try to attribute the evil they do; to some other evil that exists as the power of the almighty? To do harm to a marriage, to do harm to a spouse, by not including and communicating, the things that they needed to know.

So today she sells her valued possessions that could have been passed onto the children as a legacy of love. She has purchased as new for a high price she sells used for little or nothing of the value that some of her possessions are worth, some are old and have the value of age, handed down from her mother through her grandmother. But so ends that legacy. She just doesn’t see.

A vow was given to me, Ruth 1:16 and now it is well known that the counsel that my spouse would seek was not with me. She has allowed others to lead her away from a relationship including me in fellowship.

Be as it may, my daughters’ counselor called today, a woman that I don’t want to have the position of advice to my daughter because of her willingness to lie and deceive me. This is a case of fraud and manipulation, leading to the parent’s separation. This love is lost, due to the pushing of medication and not talking through the issues.

Say NO to Drugs and come to the table to discuss the issues that cause pain, driving people over the edge and away.

Two Thoughts today

I woke up with two thoughts, one about my marriage and one about the Science and Creation debate.

Currently I am listening to the History Channel and the show is on the Impeachment Proceedings of the former President William Jefferson Clinton.

A President is sworn to tell the truth, an oath to the people when he is elected into office.

That is the theme that I received back then and continue to hold as history that the first President George Washington held this ideal that a President should be an honest person for I told my mother that I cut down the Cherry tree.

Just switched over to C-Span, after reviewing a little of the history of Hitler, and C-Span has the Millions more Movement opening at the U.S. Capitol. Very powerful.

Prelude to the removal of Evil on Earth, the Lying President needs to step down and a man of Honor and respect needs to take his place.

Our Government ruled by the people for the people.

The Millions More Movement should be joined by PAClean Sweep and other activist programs for peace and social change.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

My First Entry

What a day, a short day, I'm conflicted between writing and sleeping, I should take a nap, but I have things on my mind.

Although; I only worked a few hours today, I did get to listen to some very interesting shows starting with the songs and music on Sunny 104.5. They are rocking my world. Then there are the teachers and interviewers. Chuck Swindol, Nancy Leigh DeMoss, James Dobson, David Jeremiah, and Marty Moss-Coane. And staying informed by the information that these stations broadcast as news that is happening locally and around the world.

What is the tieing knot between all of the above speakers is the issue of abuse and violence. What blew me away was David Jeremiah talking about the whore of Babylon, and the relation to Rome the city that sits on seven hills. But as I look at religion today I see a comparison where the wicked ways of deciet have been permitted as though a greater good could result, but woe to the web that is woven on false information. Promoting the Christian values as they exist would be certain destruction of the freedom that any one of us would enjoy. Our rights and our laws would be divided, everyone would be guilty and not a single person would stand in righteousness. Thank GOD there are a few righteous people in this world. I pray that they will not swallow the wicked pills, but turn to the spirituality in Truth to hold dear values that are moral and ethical in times of change. We need to allow people the freedom to choose. We need to allow people the ability to take in the lessons that are available to each and every one of us. We need to be able to teach the appropriate response and how to become whole.

So many thoughts, it is time for a nap.