Sunday, October 23, 2005

Today on C-Span

Eli Lake of the New Yourk Sun
National Security Correspondent

He covers up the Lies of the Bush Administration, I would like to know who taught this man to think objectively and how did Eli Lake become so blinded to the real truth. Listening to C-Span this morning and all I want to do is Puke, I’m glad that April Ryan is addressing the classified leak challenge to Eli.

We don’t know is the foundation for Eli Lake, but what is important is what we do know. Eli Lake wants to control the conversation and hypothetical fabrication the exact situation that is wrong with America.

Eli Lake, when you learn about justice in America, and how our government is to run, as taught by our Civics teachers, I want you to follow This Story and after reading this story tell me how it represents the proper working of the justice system in America.

You have to follow the first lie and see all of the other lies exposed. Bush lied to get the United States into war and that is criminal from that lie the blood of the lives of many are on the hands of anyone and everyone that promotes war for peace.


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