Monday, October 31, 2005

Where Am I

Where Am I?

Originally written 10-26-05

Lost from cyber space, I have to wait, until this crazy mistake gets resolved. Somebody leaving one house to rent anther had a misunderstanding with the ISP. While she is disconnected to her dismay, I can get in a post to my journal today. So maybe if anyone is looking for me, I’m here, but unfortunately I won’t waste my minutes to be there (Sorry everyone.) I’ll be there soon as I get service back. Tomorrow should be a very interesting day, to say the least. In more ways than one, things are set to change.

What I heard today about the Middle East really bothers me. In one way it is apparent that Israel is not the center of the world, for our efforts the center of the world is now Iraq. Removing Saddam has destabilized the Middle East that is apparent, Saddam had to act like a crazy man even killing his own son to create the illusion of toughness and madness so that everyone would be concerned about who would do what to whom, when and where. How a crazy man could be the center to peace in the Middle East, it is written in the religious books of days gone by. The only way to establish a dictatorship is to have a crazy mind. Remind you of our leaders in the USA?

If only I could get a message to NPR…

I’d tell them that Morning Eddition made a false claim that attending Church would give you a 9.1% increase to your bottom line. With a great Amen, the hosts did mislead. Attending Church is a great place to contract a virus and the first place to avoid at the onset of a pandemic. The most important thing is that the Church of today is not the Church of tomorrow. Tomorrow’s Church is the Universe; you are here every moment of your life.

Those people that do not attend Church are doing quite well in matters of morals and wealth; since all things are not equal the poor giving 10% would be stripped of greater value than the wealthy. The money of the Church could be put to better use for our global society of today. While so many great preachers exist, the Church has become the bully pulpit of the rich. So many texts, and divisions; that have led good people astray, and are used in wicked ways. The Bible: a book to know death, to teach suicide, to blame the victim, passing judgment and guilt, upon the innocent.

On Radio Times, I loved her first show missed most of the second and no way of knowing what was discussed with the connection lost. I would like to hear more about Senator Obama…

What really got my goat, and made me want to call in, was when the description of the Secretary for the steel company had stolen from the corporation and only had to repay only a percentage of what stolen. Who says crime doesn’t pay? It is all a matter of who you know business as usual. As for Rick Mariano, there is no surprise to his crime, and to whom would it surprise if another crime was discovered? Tax evasion bribery, subverting our cities; corruption is so transparent.

1st Timothy 6:10 The love of money is the root of all evil.

As for me, Money is to be a reward for the hard work and diligence put forth.

Hear and Now, made me cry when I heard about the Mother and her group quilting for all who have died.

Peter Fitzgerald better have those indictments ready to prosecute I’s dotted and T’s crossed. President Bush, and the whole Cabal. The Junta and Cronyism must end. The world sees with eyes wide open and hears with discerning ears. The lies for war are not the way to peace; torture will not be tolerated anymore. We need peace and accountability.

My vision is new, the old ways are through, the stale mate we created has brought us to the end of barbaric practices, we are entering a new day and a new way to do business, here and abroad.

Terri Gross on Fresh air seemed to be pushing the marijuana scene, the gateway drug, another smoke filled lung. Poisons and Pollutants, that will contaminate, and manipulate the mind and body.


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