Sunday, May 28, 2006

9,000 lbs of explosives

I got a real treat the other day, 9,000 lbs. of explosives buried and set off...

I just pulled in on the site and they were getting ready for the blast...

I looked where the explosives were buried, land flat, full of holes...

I waited a time, after parking in a direction to give the best protection just in case something would happen, I could only imagine...

Then the air horn sounded I was in a good position to watch this special occassion...

In a flash I saw the ground rise, what was once flat was now a mountain, and quite high a new range of loose dirt to be removed. Everyone was safe the event was quite controlled, and impressive.

Kind of different from watching things brought down to watching the material puffed up, like an infection or sore swelled and knowing it would be surgically removed, excavated...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Monday 5-22-06

Monday, 5-22-06
I get banned from AT&T Worldnet Religion and Spirituality board for using the name of a member that published his name under his identity and was rude and insulting to me, his words were libel and I felt emotionally abused by this man. When he posted aggressive replies to my post I would refute his point of view or perceptions and I worked very hard not to give the same level of anger or abuse that this poster gave to me, so that I would not violate the Rules of Conduct (ROC) Unfortunately, the CP Host felt I was the person creating the problem and this is what she wrote.

Subject: Please do not post in the AT&T community

I've asked you several times to refrain from participating on the AT&T Message boards. You are using real names, which is unacceptable. Your presence in the community is upsetting to others. Please honor our request that you do not participate on the boards.
Sincerely,CP Host BernadetteAT&T Worldnet Community Port

I sent this in an email to one of my friends there at that message board (Taox3) I said goodbye to you my trusted friends, Taox3, Mars, and Eretz. Every season must come to an end. Our season here, is through, you know where to find me if you wish to contact me.

At least this time they changed my password and blocked my ability to post in the community they sent me a nice letter explaining my violation or reason for their actions.
Of course I don’t agree with their double standards allowing bullies to create an atmosphere of abuse and banishing the victims of the abuse while allowing the abuse to continue to post where others will surely get abused also. I’m not the first victim of this person and I know I won’t be the last.

One of the odd things is that other people post their real names and use their names to direct the intended message to the desired person to be talked to. Again, it only proves the double standard of a liberal website that wants people to be tolerant of their beliefs and is not tolerant to the beliefs of others.

On Tuesday 5-23-06
I spent the evening with my family as a personal time for us.

On Wednesday 5-24 06
I started the day by contacting my daughter’s school district the man in charge of Pupil Services. I wasn’t happy with the way my daughters problem is being handled, my daughter struggles with issues that I am very familiar with and understand very well.

He never called back.

Then I called my friend Taox3 to personally tell him of my predicament with AT&T Worldnet, I also called my friend Sean.

Thursday 5-25-06
Issues and struggles and stresses with the home front… Perceptions between mother and daughter and miscommunication, high stress caused by the issues at my daughters school, the problem is at a full boil, and handled properly could have been quelled, unfortunately, you can only imagine, knowing what I know and not able to be heard or understood. No respect is the key in all of what I see. I feel like Rodney Dangerfield. I’m so glad we have a golden retriever; at least I don’t need to tie a T-bone steak around my neck to get the dog to play with me.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Concert and Meeting


School Board Meeting

Propaganda, Fear, The use of Children as shields, Money, Money, Money, Healthcare insurance, Salaries, Taxes.

Business as usual, or not?

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Certified Letter

The Certified Letter

With help from my help mate my wife, we were able to pick up the letter, this mysterious letter, and what would be in this letter? I anxiously waited wanting to know, do I have to fret, or will I know that this episode of my life is coming to a close? What would be revealed?

Indeed it was a check, for the amount that one of the participants owes me; I am on my way to getting returned what is my property, plus the penalty. Once this check is deposited and clears the bank then I can make good on my promise, and just in time to participate in this season of pledges to public broadcasting, and a promise that I made to one Radio talk show host. I am a man of my word, and I will keep my word, it is as good as my credit, and my name. Today I received the check; tomorrow I will make the deposit, and then the completion of the pledge.

Sailing Yesterday

Sailing Yesterday, and a certified letter…

As the day unfolded I was able to do one of the things I love to do, and that is sail, sail away, well to places I haven’t traveled, this makes where I traveled seem like a smaller world. Ever notice that as you explore an area the area becomes familiar and seems not to be a big and vague as before you started exploring? I went to the dam of the lake that I frequent and now the lake seems much smaller than it once appeared to be, not that a lake 5 miles long is a small lake, and this lake is also deep. The real fun yesterday was wondering what was in the mail, my speculations led me to think that a letter to me certified from my landlord would mean one of two things. Either I was finally getting the money back that he owed me or he appealed the decision and I would have to take another day off from work.

Which would it be?