Monday, May 08, 2006

Sailing Yesterday

Sailing Yesterday, and a certified letter…

As the day unfolded I was able to do one of the things I love to do, and that is sail, sail away, well to places I haven’t traveled, this makes where I traveled seem like a smaller world. Ever notice that as you explore an area the area becomes familiar and seems not to be a big and vague as before you started exploring? I went to the dam of the lake that I frequent and now the lake seems much smaller than it once appeared to be, not that a lake 5 miles long is a small lake, and this lake is also deep. The real fun yesterday was wondering what was in the mail, my speculations led me to think that a letter to me certified from my landlord would mean one of two things. Either I was finally getting the money back that he owed me or he appealed the decision and I would have to take another day off from work.

Which would it be?


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